Kudos Va Kyudo Renmei

9 04 2010

Virginia is the home state of my parents. I spent a lot of time there, even though I was not born there. Vacations, school, relatives, friends. It was my second home place. My family still has property there. I tried living there as an adult but that did not workout so good after living in California. It is pretty but, hmmm, still a bit old school let’s say.  However I still feel  a connection to it. So whenever I see something that says Virginia and it is something I have an interest in, Kung Fu , Kali, Arnis, Music, Ceramics, Kyudo, I look. I was out doing something on the web today and came across the Virginia Kyudo Renmei. I was surprised I did not expect Kyudo there and to see Renmei not Shibata was even more a surprise.

That in itself is not worth a blog post however this is one of two things that I found outstanding from their website:
“At the VKR, we adhere to ZNKR standards for both ceremonial movements and shooting. Our style emphasizes reishakei or ceremonial shooting, but students of all styles are welcome to practice with us.”

Wow ! This is what I’m talking about for openness and good spirit of Kyudo.

I was even more impressed with this:

Q: I’m interested in starting, but I may not be able to come to practice every week. What should I do?

A: There’s no substitute for regular, continued practice. However, if the student has a sincere desire to learn, but weekly practice is impossible due to geographic or scheduling problems, coming to practice every other week, or even once a month can be arranged. We are happy to work with and support any student who has a sincere desire to learn.

Whoa snap!… now this is how to grow the practice of Kyudo in the states. This hits home to me. Not to blow someone off because they have a life outside of Kyudo and question their comment. Give everyone a chance to show their comment, desire. Nice! This is more of the attitude that needed to really develop Kyudo as a strong entity here in the states as it is overseas. I am grateful I was able, after much effort, to find my Sensei with this type of openness. My arigato to him and to the other Dojo’s who have this spirit.

Way to go Virgina Kyudo Renemi!  _/|\_



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