
21 09 2007

Ok, soooo remember the TV spot gig with The Xpress…

I really need to practice more. It is hard to hear sometimes when you are doing it. The link below is a good song though, there is another that hurt my ears listening to myself.

Hehahah, everybody sucks sometimes…it’s that yin / yang thang 🙂

Sometimes I should NOT play and give it ( the harp) UP… other times…I

Got My Mojo Working

This has to be my favorite. I get to switchup and do some flute. Kind of Jazzy BluZen

Boggie thang



One response

29 10 2007

How’s your pottery going? I guess you have no more hours left in the day for it! By the way what’s the connection between ‘shaolin’ and ‘kaolin’…? My 5 year old granddaughter has started taikwondo. What would be your comment on a young child doing this martial art?

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