Gong Xi Fa Cai – 2010

14 02 2010

It’s here the year of the Tiger. This time officially with the lunar calendar. My Chan family here in the East bay had a small dinner gathering for the event. Just a small Hot Pot dinner. In Japan called Nabe. For those who do not know it looks like this:

You can guess the rest. Since I am a fish-a-trian, I had a seperate one I cooked one the stove.

There was only 6 of us. LZ had to work so she had food set home to her. Most of the talk of course was Chan and well …food. I was the only non-Chinese speaker there, so they had to cut back and forth when they remembered I could not follow everything.

The big topic was that the Shifu from Taiwan was in LA, and they were gathering car pools to go see him on Sunday for a Monday visit. I would have liked to go, however I was not really into a rush  trip to LA, for one day. Also Monday the day to see Shifu was the day LZ wanted me to go to J-town with her. She has been very supportive of my stuff and I felt I should stay and do this for her. Also Sunday is Valentine’s day. I have Kyudo in the morning, she is working in the afternoon and evening. So Monday is basically our Valentines day. I have already meet the Shifu, it would be nice to see him again, but since he does not speak English I do not really have a good sense of connection with him as they do. If it is meant to be, another time will come.

As for the dinner, it was pleasant. Afterward we had desserts, some fruit, cake, sweet Taro and few laughs and called it a night.

I was told generally this type of thing goes on ALL night usually. Eating, some drinks, a game of Mahjong, more eating, etc, etc. Since the phones were constantly ringing and plans being made for the trip there was a lot going on out of the usual.  We did not stay long as everyone had to get up early on Sunday, them to travel, me for Kyudo part III.

Still it was a good New Years eve and a filling dinner with my Chan clan. Gong Xi Fa Cai.

Blog a grout…

14 02 2010

And now for something completely different…

You are wondering, why does Zen have a picture of men’s urinals on his blog. Well my inquisitive minded friend (s) this is what it is a grout.

This is the men’s room at one of the Halls at UC Berkeley. We have our East Bay Chan ( Zen) Group meetings here. Well not HERE in the Loo, but in this building. This Loo is on the 3rd floor.

It looks like a plain Urinal wall from a far, but up close are examples of the wit of the future leaders of America. In between the tiles written in the grout are re-grouted saying such as…

It’s a grout time…

I’m coming grout…

To grout or not to grout…

Grout of the closet…

Grout me in…

The Grout depression…

Grout cho marx

I thought it would be something different to blog a Grout 🙂

…and now back to our regular programing